Turn your database into a revenue stream
Generate EXTRA income selling us your unqualified applicants
  • Apply: We're accepting new partners for a limited time
  • Promote: Send unqualified/rejected applicants a unique link with our job board
  • Earn: Get paid weekly, monitor your earnings in your dashboard
We Will Buy Your Unqualified Applicants
  • Nationwide: We have entry-level jobs in all 50 states + Canada
  • No Experience: 99% of our jobs require no previous experience
  • Instant Payment: We'll pay you for each person who applies through your link.  Track earnings in your custom dashboard!
Stop throwing away your
unqualified applicants!
Send your unqualified applicants our list of entry-level jobs
We have entry-level jobs in all 50 states and Canada
We'll pay you for every single applicant that came from you
Login to your dashboard to track earnings and payouts
Yes, I have applicants I can sell right now!
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